‘Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit’. Sadly my body and mind are always at loggerheads just like the incoming and outgoing passengers of a Mumbai local. They both chose to enter and exit at exactly the same time. As for my Spirit? – I suspect IT has been mistaken for the current spate of UFO sightings. And now a fourth body component has joined the merry bandwagon. My belly too has decided to break free and embark on its own journey. Unfortunately, in the wrong direction. Finally, when the realization dawned that my tummy now resembled a Pomeranian minus the eyes, I decided to take control. Thus, began my quest for a fitter me.
So, exercise it was. After a bit of research, the form was narrowed down to either yoga or walking. Yoga won hands down, rather up, as the clincher was ‘breathing being a form of exercise too’. Easy peasy or so I thought. My instructor, Jyoti had other plans though. After much huffing and puffing on the first day, just when I thought I did survive the hour my watch decided on giving me the reality check. I had barely done ten minutes. “Can’t I do 'shavaasan' only for the next 50 minutes”, I proclaimed, glad on having some knowledge of the vedic form. “After all, that too is yoga.” “We will, when I feel the need to,” Jyoti shot back. ‘Success is a result of blood, sweat and tears’ – I now perfectly understood why.
Somehow, I pulled through the first month. Surprisingly, more than a fitter me, it was a better me. My mood swings vanished, I got rid of my claustrophobia and experienced a more cheerful me.
A month later, Jyoti decided to drop the next bomb. I was to participate in an annual Suryanamaskar (SN) event. “Only 108 SN” she quipped. “Only?” I mused, already planning my obituary. But her look, both pleading and threatening at the same time had me relent, “fine, will give it a shot.” Mentally my calculations had begun. Since one SN comprised of 12 postures, effectively I had to complete only 9 in all. Not all that life threatening or so. Maybe I owe this much to my body. “Knock! Knock! Earth calling” Jyoti was bringing me out of my daydream, “you have to do 108 complete SN”. I think it was at exactly that moment when I passed out, as I do not recollect what was said after that. Atleast, I made a faint attempt to do so. They say ‘at the root of every tantrum are unmet needs’. After hearing me out patiently, Jyoti finally said, “We’ll start with 12 today.” The sixth posture comprises of lying flat on the belly. After a couple of SN, I refused to budge from this pose saying my body needed to recuperate. It took a whole lot of effort on Jyoti’s part to goad me out and complete the remaining ones. I had a month’s time to train and after a lot of pleading, cajoling, tempting, coaxing and persuading, I managed to reach 70.
And the day arrived. I had promised Jyoti I wouldn’t stop before 70. I also did the needful of informing my near and dear ones to keep an ambulance ready, just in case. There were hordes of people around which made me more nervous. Next to me was a seventy year old lady warming up with full gusto. The final nail in my soon to be coffin. I suspect she was deliberately and strategically placed there by Jyoti. And soon the count began, 10..20…..50……70. “Okay”, I told myself, “promises have been kept, so I could now guilessly sneak out.” But I could not. The energy there had to be seen to be believed. The entire crowd was now chanting the numbers out loud in unison and I saw myself doing the same. It was like a new wave of energy infused into me. I kept going with an added dose of determination. I just could not quit. Soon we reached 100. And then the numbers meant little. 107 and I DID it. I had reached the magical 108.
I have never felt so proud. For me, it was as if I had scaled the mount Everest – almost. I was simply over the moon. No body ache, no joint pains, no tiredness. Only a refreshed and rejuvenated me. On the plus side, I did not even realise when my menstrual issues which I had been facing since long had vanished. Overall it felt like a Mamta ver.- 2, flexible, cheerful, new and improved. I noticed and so did everyone the ‘spring in my step’. And if I could then anyone can! Now I have a new mantra in life.
“Your happiness will never end
If you make yoga your best friend”
-Mamta Agarwal
Nicely penned!.. inspiring ❤
Lol….. I could imagine you in my head as I was reading this and laughing. I’ve been inspired. Now I need to gain weight so I can practice yoga 😜
Simply beautiful. The narration flows easily and makes the reader feel connected to the topic. All the best for your future endeavours my pal!!!!
The whole narrative was so engaging and humorous. Was smiling throughout while reading the piece. Best wishes for the continued experience with yoga. Mamta you should seriously consider writing a book. Loads of best wishes.
Beautifully written Mamta!!
Very inspiring, All the best 👍