Simple and effective ways to reduce Carbon Footprint from the comfort of our homes.
by DVaaR The door to your wellbeing! on Jan 16, 2021

Did you know that your water has a high carbon footprint? Or that allegedly, we could entirely end global warming if we stopped using fossil fuels?
Sounds wonderful! But what is Carbon footprint?
Carbon Footprint is the summation of Carbon Dioxide that any person, organization, event, etc, has emitted and is thereby quantified by literally taking into account every aspect of your life from home to work, modes of transport, lifestyle, and so on. And while we’ve been speaking of Carbon Footprint for decades, now, reducing it is indeed the need of the hour.
India is the world’s third-largest emitter of Green House gases, after China and America. And according to NASA, “In the absence of major action to reduce emissions, global temperature is on track to rise by an average of 6 °C (10.8 °F), according to the latest estimates. Some scientists argue a “global disaster” is already unfolding at the poles of the planet; the Arctic, for example, maybe ice-free at the end of the summer melt season within just a few years. Yet other experts are concerned about Earth passing one or more “tipping points” – abrupt, perhaps irreversible changes that tip our climate into a new state.”
The time to act is now. And no one nation, organization, or one person can take on this challenge. This needs each one of us to bear a united front and battle head-on. While that’s ideal and great in theory, are you thinking about how not all of us can take up this cause because let’s face it – some of us, have got our own problems to brave between raising a future, supporting ourselves, our family or paying the bills. But what if we told you that there were tiny steps we could take every day, in the comfort of our own space, our homes, to help make our planet more habitable?
Ask yourself - what family are you raising or dream are you chasing if the planet decides she’s had enough and makes up her mind to kick us out?It has been said that we have not inherited the earth from our ancestors, but we have stolen it from our children. Looking to make a shift? We’ve got you. Below are a few simple, easy changes we can make to our every day that will help make our lifestyle more sustainable and thereby, in the long run, help heal our hurting planet.
1. The most commonly spoken of – 5 R's i.e Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Rot, Recycle. Almost self-explanatory, this is considered to be the most effective way to reduce our carbon footprint.
- Refuse – any plastic and opt for natural substitutes for your shopping and every day living.
- Reduce – usage of paper by opting for E-bills or make notes/shopping lists on your devices instead of paper. Where possible, always opt for vintage or pre-loved.
- Reuse – and allow for your things to be reused. Keep it in a good condition to repair the damage, re-sell or upcycle.
- Rot – your perishable products in a compost system, this can be in your backyard or in the vicinity for the entire community to use.
- Recycle – paper, plastic, glass, or metal by doing your bit to properly understand how best to adhere to the laws and best handle these materials sustainable. Donate working electronics. Collect dry cell batteries and recycle through local municipality or donate to the E-waste organisations
2. Eat mindfully i.e locally sourced and seasonal: Fewer food-miles can mean fewer emissions. Locally sourced food is always more sustainable for it eliminates processes of packaging and shipping thereby not only reducing the carbon footprint but also ensuring the quality of the food is at its peak because it’s fresh. Similarly, seasonal produce is always the better option unlike their counterparts where added man-made effort must be entertained for excess water or light. The seasonal product is organic and thereby healthier for both you and for the planet. Try and opt for more plant-based meals since eggs and other non-vegetarian items have the worst environmental impact of all foods.
Waste less by taking stock of what you have and make a shopping list.
Plan and don't cook more food that you can eat.
Re-use or reconvert left overs into interesting dishes.
3. Conserve and protect water: Water is not an unlimited resource, and if we do not reduce its consumption we are at some point going to completely exhaust it, and unlike most else, there is no way we can replenish it. Around 97% of the water found on Earth isn’t fit for human consumption or use – from growing crops or industrial uses except for cooling).
So –
- While brushing your teeth, or washing utensils, don’t leave the tap on unnecessarily.
- Take shorter showers and as much as possible, opt for a bucket bath.
- Don’t flush things to dispose of them.
- Switch to environmental friendly soaps and detergents for most of the regular ones have toxins that go down the drains and further contaminate the water.
- Use leftover water, (for instance - shower water) to water plants
4. Other actions we can take:
- Avoid anything ‘disposable’ and always pick reusable items.
- Unplug appliances when not in use.
- Always turn off every switch when not in use i.e from the air-conditioner to the television.
- Always wash with cold water.
- Don’t give in to fast fashion.
- Make it a point to audit your energy. This will help keep you in check.
- A laptop takes less energy than the desk top.
- Use LED lights as they use up to 85% less energy and 25 times longer and cheaper
Newton’s law, every action has an equal and opposite reaction also stands true for the environment. The effects may not be immediate, though we have already seen immeasurable instances where the planet pushed back and the price we had to pay was life. So let us collectively come together to do our tiny bit to help put our planet more at ease and make tiny tweaks that can go a long, long way.
Hello. And Bye.