Gratitude to have turned 1 -M&K Founders' note.
by DVaaR The door to your wellbeing! on Dec 15, 2021

Today as we complete one year, we would like to thank all the people who supported, encouraged and built our brand DVaaR into what it is today.
With a consciousness towards the environment, we as entrepreneurs had to learn and unlearn things, pick and modify sustainable products into our enterprise.
Our learning grew, and it continues to. We are doing other things in life in terms of profession and education. But this was a baby born during the lockdown, and it was a dream dreamt by both of us.
We know we still have a long way to go, and we are ready and excited to walk further ahead into this journey of ours.
We are also thankful to our core team members of DVAAR, who relentlessly work with us to build this dream.
This journey began during the last one and a half years when the world was under lockdown, where we lost many friends and close relatives to the pandemic, and there was general despair and confusion regarding the future.
One lesson is a sure takeaway from this pandemic. Life is unpredictable, so start working on or living your dream today!